Bring back memes channel in Ec's discord server

It would be really nice if you bring back the memes channel on ecds and let people to upload their memes like the old times.
The discord channel is now dead because of removing #memes
Also, another logical reason why the in-game server is dead is because those memes people make for ec can advertise the server for free with their meme content.
And without them It lowers the server's reputation level
So I demand to bring back the memes channel on ecds and let people to upload their memes.
But to prevent cheaters from upvoting their memes by using alts and ruining the contest , I'd suggest you to remove the voting system and the staff managers are according to their taste and desire to choose the top 5 memes.
And the top 5 winners recieve vouchers.
Exactly, just like the build battle's system in creative.
I hope you take care about this, Thanks for reading my suggestion anyways.

#9908 - Status: rejected

10 months ago by Omega_Mi for Discord

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

6 months ago by _OnePro_