Prison Updates

Since prison getting so much players recently and You guys can’t reset what about some Updates to make players have more fun and keep playing I Just thought of some things you might like it or see It funny
CTA Starter
What about making a something in crates like Event starter for Cta like item you get it from cta crate by low chance called CTA starter if u went to the area and right click it it makes cta start in the area you are on without /cta votes
VoteParty Rewards
make a big rewards for last vote in vote party so people vote and help the servers like summoners or maybe that cta starter thing up
why there is no teamfights in pvpmine it would be cool using mining/fighting in same time mine the pvpmine mine reset 15 mins not 5 mins like other mines and add lucky blocks there and make bombs stay for longer xd like days max 1 week
You should add the ctas the person capped in /Mine stats or add /Koth stats 2 so people who not at top see how many ctas they capped
Glowstone Worth
when you added strg II to /shop it acutlly ruinned glowstone worth when devs added strg I to /shop instead of strg II that wasnt by accident it was planned to make it there already to make for glowstone worth instead of selling if u put strg II then u have to at least make glowstone get sold to shop
can you add the summoner thing to /rewards and make the 10 mins haste and speed bug thing works?
Add Chaos title pls with pink
i wish you liked at least 1 idea of these and i wish it is the title thing thanks for rewading kekw

#9689 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CancerInTheButt for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

5 months ago by _OnePro_