
Don’t allow to under 1 year register accounts to make suggestions or vote because they are just alters or evaders and they got no opinion and if they did nobody cares about it, do not allow banned guys aswell to vote or make suggestions because most of them are alts aswell it is so sad that we all agree about a good suggestion and it get many votes and just a retarded kid make alts and vote to what he wants if he want it get accepted or if he want it get rejected I know that u aint care of likes or dislikes but it is so annoying for real bro any1 of us can use his banned alts or make new alts and vote for him I can easily bro make my suggestion 1000 likes will you think that for real 1000 one did for me like. no because server doesnt even have 1000 and there is no like 100 ppl join the website suggestion #9325 suggestion is good suggestion that for real talking about all improvements that we want talk about and u just ignore it that it even got like 26+ votes in 4 days there is no sense that it gets to -4 in 15 mins bro even if that suggestion owner was asking us to see it the vote was by our choice we choose if we want vote or no and ofc all of us read it and liked it unlike that stupid nitro guy who is evading everyday doesnt like the suggestion then he had to make dislike by his main account not making bots and alts and vote to whatever he wants like for real bro you giving a choice to bots.

#9333 - Status: closed

2 years ago by DJBGCHKFCHJBCXVH for Website

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Another suggestion of the same kind has been posted by another user

1 year ago by _OnePro_