
Lucky Blocks

Can you fix the pugged things at it like
-10mins of haste and speed (not working)
I would say that if you won't fix that np but can you fix the
-2% pickaxe xp (not working) it is very rare thing and very good, at some people opinion that they near to max the pickaxe it is even more helpful than summoners also about summoners would you like to move the summoners reward to /rewards instead of inventory because there is guys like me fill inv of speec pots that helps them at mining and they break lucky block while mining and inventory full so they couldn't get the reward maybe at least give us alert like saing at mid of screen (you will receive your reward after 15 second) if you won't move it to rewards add the CTA key at it so that gives them more hope to mine put lucky blocks at pvpmine if it isn't there thanks for reading

#9293 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by DJBGCHKFCHJBCXVH for General

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

5 months ago by _OnePro_