Transfering items(mainly votekeys) and balance to other servers

I feel like since there are game modes that people don't play a lot more (like anarchy, sky block, survival, acid island) that people have a lot of keys and balance in.

how about having the ability to transfer those items into other servers?

say for example: I have 10 vote keys in anarchy that I want to take them into opsurvival.

transferring keys would be limited to only vote keys.

Would at least make use for the keys that are just sitting without any traders that play in those servers to take it.

#9283 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by whyzyxy for GameModes

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

6 months ago by _OnePro_