
Concerning survival gamemodes: More opportunity for non-paying/non-voting players.

I believe survival gamemodes would be better for all players if they were not quite so weighted toward those who vote and/or pay money to rank up, as not all people are willing or even know how to do this. I feel it is just unfair for some players who cannot pay or vote if they are not allowed to, or have other reasons. I am not asking this just so that I can benefit from it (I already vote frequently) but for new players or those who dont want to pay/vote. One way to implicate this would be to make another survival gamemode in which paid ranks and voting did not give benefits or rewards for certain players. That way the current gamemodes would not necessarily lose popularity among those who do vote/pay but it would still provide a way for this idea to be implemented. It would be just a simple survival server with warps and commands accesibly to all. Above all thank you and please consider this idea.

#9044 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by ItsMixed1 for GameModes

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

5 months ago by _OnePro_