Reputation system

I mean what I'm going to suggest right now may seem rather weird, I just wanted to see what people think of it :l

Well my suggestion is to implement the reputation system even before prestige, as in the normal ranks. This will help make sure that people are actually working for their ranks. Right now people are able to gain Z by means of boosting or loaning, this results in a lot of people being able to make a ton of money rapidly. The economy declines very quickly, things lose their worth and it gets very over-inflated. Over time the fact that you've reached Z also loses its worth lol. The people who have not yet reached Z are at a significant disadvantage compared to those at Z, and when the server is dominated by those in Z, it becomes hard to make progress because of the sheer inflation inflicted by them.

Well to compensate for the system being a bit harder, you could also make the mines a bit more easier, with lesser blocks needed to mine.

If not this, then possibly make a system where people are made to mine X blocks in one mine before they can rank up to the next? It'd be nice if you could make it more balanced so that not everyone has Z too soon lol.

Visual representation: https://prnt.sc/15y0lrt

ty :)

#8383 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by CandyDce for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

5 months ago by _OnePro_