Suggestion for Alternate Accounts ! (please read full )

I know that alting has always been a bad thing which lead to ban of the player, but here I just want to discuss about it and just spread some light on it along with some suggestions !

First of all I think the main problem with alting is that people get double voting rewards/benefits from it.....but if we think about it, They person is actually voting for the server which is counted in the websites which means that even though it's the same person, he's contributing a vote which should be rewarded so, If the person's putting double effort , maybe the person should deserve double rewards.

Then another reason of using an alt would be to afk, while playing on the main account, here too the player by being online from 2 accs at same time, is counted towards the total online player and thus helps the server and the person may even buy a rank for the alt acc which again helps the server.

Now another reason of using an alt would be to escape punishments such as ban/tempban or to commit some bannable offence and prevent the main acc from being banned ! This is the reason many people including the staff/server management team does not support alting.

There may be a solution for this that I cam up with ! I think alting should be allowed but......it''s true that double rewards, escaping ban, doing unwanted stuff without being recognized is something that is not....fair ? acceptable ? So to get around with that there should be a command like /alt or something.....which will allow you to register your alt account ! Yes, it would be like linking your alt acc to the main acc ! the benefit of this would be that the person can still vote from both the accounts but that person will only receive full rewards in the main account (i.e 15vkeys or a special key) and will only receive half or something like that and no chance of getting a special key in the alternate account (i.e 8/10 vkeys ONLY) and maybe the reward money be also reduced....

And if any of the accounts of the person is banned, all his account would be banned/muted/jailed for the same specific period of time as given in the punishment So that the person can't use his alt to join while banned, it's true that he may make another alt and join using that, but that's still happening and we can't do nothing about that till someone finds a solution for that. and it can be also limited such as just 1 alternate account per player .

Using an alt without registering it would also be considered against the rules.

At last I would like to conclude by saying that, Sure Alting has it's curse and boon so does most of the things around us. I'm not saying that it's the best Idea but I think it's not the worst too, I don't think that any server has done this but you could be the first to do so and also u could run testes to see how's the people's response to this, I've seen games in which alting is not an issue and people make many alts and play those games sure they get an upper hand by using an alt, but to run 2 accounts it would also require a grater time dedicated to the game. But after all it's just an suggestion and Hope I was not tooo boring 😅, If I was SORRY

THANK YOU for reading till the end.

#8369 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by x0x_Devil_x0x for Improvements

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2 years ago by _OnePro_