Mob Masks

Mob masks are masks that can be used by right-clicking them. And each should have a perk for each mask, IG masks (Iron Golem) Should give resistance 2 when used and a 3 minute cooldown, Wither masks should give the wither effect for people that are near you when used and it should have a 4 minute cooldown, Wolf masks should spawn an amount of wolfs that attacks the player that it has been used on with a 2 minute cooldown, Pufferfish masks should give poison 2 effect for 30 seconds and a 2 minute cooldown, Squid masks should give invisibility that hides armor for 15 seconds and the cooldown is 5 minutes, Ocelot masks give regeneration 5 for 10 seconds and the cooldown is 4 minutes.

#8242 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by Efface for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

1 year ago by _OnePro_