
A suggestion to report without going into the website.

Hello! This is HoneyDce.
My suggestion is that instead of going into Extremecraft's website to report, why not /repasap? (ReportASAP)
That will be like a bigger helpop, which calls the Mod's and the JnMod's.
Example: /repasap XGamerbbhgaga hacks
Anyone can do it, not only staff.
Many people's computers are not very good in running a browser and minecraft and it might crash their game to do so.
Please look into this.

#8239 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by HoneyDce for Commands

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for your feedback! Unfortunately reports such as "XGamerbbhgaga hacks" wouldn't really be much of use for staff and they would be rejected either way for lack of evidence, if you need the assistance of a staff member to record a hacker we have /helpop which informs all the available staff online, the obvious issue being if no staff is available to record

2 years ago by NxDs