ExtremeCraft KnockBack

This suggestion will address a few key problems with the ExtremeCraft KB

Firstly, the most addressed issue with the vanilla kb is that laggers have a huge advantage over people with a stable ping. The delayed hit reg does not only delay the kb you take from the lagger but also delays the kb you give to that lagger. The system should update for you just fine and should be a problem for the lagger but that is not the case here. Moreover, laggers have a huge kb advantage for some reason. If a player with a stable ping and a lagger were blockhitting, the kb given to by the lagger would be much more.

Secondly, putting aside lag, the KB is disliked by stable ping players too. The KB on other pvp servers such as MMC have been adjusted to reduce the horizontal and vertical kb which is very weird on EC. You can make a player fly up to 2.5 blocks in the air while comboing and this kind of KB is used in "Combo Fly" gamemodes, not normal pvp.

Lastly, the hitreg is very messed up at the moment. The ping difference between 2 players fighting leads to very messed up hitreg which would sometimes not kb the other person beyond 2 blocks even if you combo them thrice or would just kb them 3 blocks away in a single hit. (Tested with and without w tapping)

I would like to request you all to take a poll and find out what the players want. Saying that only 2 teams control EC pvp is not a valid excuse as those 2 teams account for 90% of the pvpers. If you say that you don't want to let 90% of the pvpers on EC decide what's good for PVP just because they are large in numbers and can alter results, it is invalid as it has been noticed on multiple occasions that both the teams (which account for a really large sum of EC pvpers) agree that the KB should be changed and edited into something which does not favor players based on their ping and feels good to play on.

#8206 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by Nova_47 for Improvements

Answer: Accepted

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! We're happy to inform you that your submission has been accepted and is now part of our server

3 years ago by NxDs