
New Custom Enchants

What would be the most annoying possible custom enchant? It would have something to do with inventory for sure; PvP happens bc of many reasons but the main reason is gaining loot (And rektting the opponent) But if someone wants to pick up the loot, they must have Space in their inventory to pick it up, So I was thinking about a new ce that will fill enemy's inventory with total Junk, It would be any useless and renamed item, So basically u put the enchant on your weapon and when u hit the enemy their inventory will be absolutely bonkers. There should also be a cooldown for it same as storm enchant to avoid abusing.

The other New Item/Enchant that I wanted to mention is something that allows shifting and changing between tools( The same way Multi tool works but a bit more advanced) So you are holding a pickaxe but then you suddenly change it to a shovel; I think I gave the main idea of what I mean ;)

#8149 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Jooooohn for Custom Enchants

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for your feedback! Regarding the first suggestion we used to have junk filling features for custom enchants/BedWars but it was considered way too annoying and the community pressured to remove them, regarding the second part the suggestion is cool but the complexity of a shapeshifting item would outweigh the gains and would require way too many changes to the custom enchants plugin as well as the underlying server for it to be possible in a not glitchy and performant way

3 years ago by NxDs