little bit of some ideas to add / do for factions

been seeing good amount of changes and improvements for factions , so id like to suggest few more stuff :

[Extra Power]
i would say extra power would be nice since now u guys added outposts and its kinda hard for claiming multiple outposts even with a full nexus roster and its also barely able to claim a full 20chunk buffer i mean yeah u can build 20 chunks of defences from each side but with about the side shooting walls its not possible to do that without the risk of getting low on power and eventually getting overclaimed

[World download/replay mod]
This will probably get denied but why not suggesting it , its legit no on that plays faction is against that and pretty sure u can ask people and or make a poll or something i mean also if u guys dont want it allowed what about a /roam or /freecam or something , every factions server allows it or has these 2 commands and there is no issues with it .

sand bots are one of the best things that got added to ec factions but in a way they are kinda expensive and takes a lot of money and people can abuse it a bit by fireballing the sand thats getting from the sandbots to make the one who placed them lose money .

[Everywhere Fly]
it would be so nice to having /f fly to work everywhere including wilderness and enemies claims , it would make buffer checking more easier and fun for everyone and it can be like a donator perk or something , plus , if people dont want their enemies flying in the base there can be a perm to change it to that

id appreciate if u guys think about this for a bit or for some of it since im p sure most of them aint getting accepted
ty for your time and have a great one

#8139 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by ImSkillyPanda for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

1 year ago by _OnePro_