OverPowered Armour and Weapons

I have been playing OP servers for 2 years and I know that a vast majority of the players would agree with me when I suggest:

1: Removing Mirror 4 from OP chest and replacing with with sealing or just leaving it be.

2: Adding 2 more custom enchants to the OP axe to make it used more. Draconic or Chainer are good CEs which can be used if you manage to fix Chainer CE which sometimes bugs and doesn't work.

3: It would also be nice if you could fix the punch on bows with Custom Enchants. It bugs 90% of the time and doesn't kb the player as it is supposed to. For example, while using freezing, the enemy might just freeze and not take any KB. Same goes for other enchants.

#8104 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by SerialKisser for Custom Enchants

Answer: Accepted

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! We're happy to inform you that your submission has been accepted and will be live from the next server reset

3 years ago by NxDs