a reply for suggestion 8027

this suggestion is a reply for Suggestion 8027 (https://www.extremecraft.net/suggestions/view/8027/)

first, you said "thats not how skins work", then tell me how skinrestorer plugin can do that

here is screenshot about their /skin url (https://prnt.sc/126d418)

second, you said its "impossible"

"Without a premium player setting the skin you want we (and any other mc server) can't in any way set the skin you want, unless client side mods are used of course"

its not impossible, just make it read the data on link instead of playerdata

1. copy the code and change it so it can read link data like .png file in a link
2. copy the file data
3. paste it to the requester playerdata

#8075 - Status: closed

3 years ago by Xeithas for Improvements

Answer: Closed

As you can read from the documentation of SkinRestorer that you linked under the section "Custom Skins" regarding the use of custom skins with the use of direct links to images here https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/Custom-Skins
You can see how there as well as in the actual source code of the aforementioned plugin here https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/blob/c3dabd28761d0f2e21e7d5ec94f514bf0ae743d6/src/main/java/net/skinsrestorer/shared/utils/MineSkinAPI.java#L110
they are using an external API from mineskin.org

At the bottom of the page it is explained how the system works:
"This website makes custom skins a lot more convenient and less time consuming, since it uses multiple accounts donated by multiple awesome people <3."
Which means they have a pool of premium accounts (89 different premium accounts to be exact) on rotation that will be used to generate the signature for the skins through the official Mojang API as I explained in the answer to the previous suggestion, there is absolutely no way to bypass the skin system without the use of mods, it's not something I came up with, it's not an excuse I came up with to not do that, it's just how it is, all you can do is coming up with solutions such as SkinRestorer's one of using actual premiums to generate the skins and using them, that does not mean you found a bypass or that you can use whatever skin you want without the use of Mojang services

You can read further about this here:

I will discuss the matter with Dieu and see if creating our own account pool system would be worth the trouble or not as he'd be the one who would have to purchase the premium accounts for the system to work in first place. As for why we don't use mineskin.org directly that's simply because we tend to avoid relying on third party APIs wherever possible, right now we are independent from everything but Mojang itself for Premium authentication and skins

3 years ago by NxDs