Mass ping solution

Hi, as you all know by now there is somebody that is using a bot to tag everyone on the discord. This is of course very annoying to a lot of us so i have come up with an solution. The main bot "BigBrother" should have an implementation where if you tag x people in a message, you get muted for y amount of time. The x and the y will be decided by you guys, but i think it should be something like if you tag 5 people in a message, you get muted for 10 minutes. If you really want to make sure it will not bother regular chatters, you can make it so that it only applies the mute if you tag 5 people two messages in a row.
I have some basic knowledge of discord bots and i think that in comparison to the other features that BigBrother has this should be a really easy fix.
Thank you for reading and i hope you will be able to stop the botter from tagging everyone!

#8040 - Status: closed

3 years ago by boemstijn for Discord

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The feature you're requesting is already part of our server :)

6 months ago by _OnePro_