ples fix staff

staffs is needed in server, especially big server, and what about EC? EC staff afk almost all the time, and promote/demote is based on relations???

like Nirz4 is a Helper for 4 month and Hollie is already a staff manager in some weeks, Nirz4 has done more things, thats what i mean with based on relations

and, staff needs to check on suggestion, i saw a lot of good suggestion being rejected, that might help server, and you reject it

Staff rule:

1. BE ACTIVE PLEASE! Dont just AFK! We gotta active 30 day straight to join staff, and staff are now afkers, how is that a thing?

2. staff must help ppl, lot of staff just /afk or saying "busy" when they are not even doing anything when being called for help

3. there is lot of staff, and they are from the same timezone, what about ppl that not from your timezone? They dont get any help fr?

4. good staff is only 5% from the staff team, please improve it, dont just use relation to promote/demote!

5. if you use relation to promote/demote, that staff will just ignore their task, and think "i will get promotion by doing small things" while other hard working staff is abandoned, hard working ppl need RESPECT!

6. staff often warn/mute us when saying "Hacks", if they really hacking, why we get a warn for that? like a blatant hacker, staff already saw it, and mute us for saying hacks? Even if we already have the evidence, and they wont remove the mute

7. staff give punishment depends on relation with that person, if they are staff's enemy, the staff will punish harder, thats UNFAIR

All i want to say is, STAFF in EC is not Legit a STAFF! Respect members! Not just Nexus player
you are killing EC if you keep doing this, as you can see the player count from 2020-2021, EC lost a lot of players

#8034 - Status: closed

3 years ago by Xeithas for Improvements

Answer: Closed

1, 2 and 4: feel free to make staff reports about staff you think are not properly fulfilling their duties
3: we don't get to decide who applies and who doesn't, the application process is the same for everyone, the fact the majority of the staff shares a timezone is simply statistically in line with the fact the server is based in Europe and the majority of the playerbase is from there, so the majority of the applications will also be composed by players in EU timezone
6: the point of punishing for hackusating is because if you call out publicly players you are actually helping them, it's easy to imagine a hacker toggling or lowering the hack settings when called out or when staff is nearby thus lowering the chances of players or staff to be able to get a good recording of them hacking to get them banned. On top of that it's not even guaranteed the players you hackusate are actually hacking and doing so would simply damage their image which isn't very nice, calling hacks is not only useless but counter productive, if you really care about hackers you should report them or try to notify staff about them. The fact a staff might already have evidence doesn't necessarily mean the evidence is enough until the player in question is effectively banned.
7: staff can't decide the punishments, it is the server that AUTOMATICALLY determines the punishment for each player based on their punishment history, staff has no say on how a player gets punished, their only decisional power lies in the reason of the punishment issued

3 years ago by NxDs