Get better staff pls :(

Staff is bad here, its the main reason why EC is really bad now. Staff just favourites others so themselves and whoever they like cant get punished and can also punish others they dont like. Also very inactive. If you check /staff its usually 90% afk staff and the ones who arent afk are just playing their own games or doing something else and not actually trying to help with the rule breakers. Not every staff member is like this. Some (very few) actually do what they signed up for but are still lower ranked staff. Staff members who litterally do nothing but are just online alot are getting pushed up really quickly. Everyone is complaining about staff so just fix it. Thats what this section is for, is it not? And you reject the suggestions that are actually what so many people want and then you ask for help because the server is dying out. We are here still making suggestions to try and help you because the server is really bad lol, but you then reject it and carry on making things that is not the main priority. Adding different servers is what you claim you are doing but its not really the priority right now. Yeah it may be something everyone wants but the main thing to improve the server is listening to the community. Its the staff, bugs/glitches,anticheat,toxicity that is bringing the server down. People stop making suggestions because you dont reply to them. Yeah you might read all the suggestions but you dont actually reply to them. We have no idea if you have read these or not and i have no clue if youre going to read this because we have no proof you have read these. Proof as in a reply, actual improvements to the server, an active staff team but we dont see any of these. I dont play factions so i dont know if that update was good or not but maybe it was and now factions is somewhat active but doing more of that does help the server.

People complain you havent replied to suggestions for over a year now and they are now starting to give up on it. Around 3 years ago, the server was very active. Lots of players on every server within EC. This was when you guys used to actually reply to our suggestions and you had that section where anyone could reply to it (the community).The server started to lose its inactivity but it was still sort of active. You guys stopped replying to suggestions and had many glitches you werent fixing that players who liked the server stopped because it was almost unplayable for them. If you want to fix the server start by replying to suggestions and actually using what the community wants. (Also get better staff)

#8030 - Status: closed

3 years ago by SmallSycoraz for Improvements

Answer: Closed

Handling suggestions is not as easy as one might think, reviewing is a thing while implementing the suggestion is a whole other story.
Simply reading suggestions and rejecting/accepting/shortlisting takes few seconds at best whereas actually implementing the suggestion may take between few seconds to several weeks or even months depending on the suggestion

More senior staff now started reviewing suggestions, however it is me and Dieu who would finally need to decide if an application can be accepted and implemented and it will be us the ones who will have to implement it
Mods handling suggestions isn't really something that takes away their time from doing whatever they do in game as they can do this whenever they're not on PC and wouldn't be able to come online regardless

I'm sorry it takes so long for suggestions to be handled but really this is the best I can physically handle, I review literally hundreds of suggestions in bulk every few months but I can't possibly implement them as well, some suggestions are as simple as "add a new rp command", some are as difficult as "add a whole new gamemode" or "remake this whole gamemode"
You can follow the development of whatever we do on Discord in #dev-live-updates where we post dozens of updates every single day so you can see which suggestions get handled

3 years ago by NxDs