Keeping the current party friendlyfire limit

I suggest that staff keep the current limit on parties; parties over 30 members should have party friendly fire disabled. There's a few good reasons to do so, and quite honestly looking at the past few posts to remove the limit on parties (all made by the same pvp party of course), I don't see any reasonable arguments for removing the limit.

" You should return the old friendlyfire limit, because theres already teams bending this new addon. Please remove it and bring back the old meta. " -Deafaulter
This is a moot point, as he's referring to the fact that different parties are still part of the same team. This isn't a 'bending' of the addon, this is simply just teams playing around it. Having the limit forces pvp team to actually know their members, and teamfight better. Its the same as two players in pvp deciding to team up without forming a party.

Hyp0critic4l wrote a suggestion named "qeqweqwr", making two points: "pvp just became worse its basically not fun anymore with the pff", and "Teamfighting isnt fun with pff u tehnically cant get out of ct"
The first point about pvp becoming worse is just an opinion. There's no substance to this argument at all. I would even argue that for smaller parties and solo players, pvp improved significantly, since parties got reduced to much more attainable sizes than before, and with a smaller party limit, more small parties can join in teamfights now. The second point is just plain out false. I've participated in a single teamfight since the update came out, and I've managed to successfully get out of combat tag multiple times in that fight, even though I was in a party over the party friendly fire limit. Being unable to get out of combat tag is simply a player skill issue.

Blactose wrote a suggestion suggesting that all members of your party should get a different name color.
Of all the suggestions regarding the limit so far, this one makes the most sense, it would be a great quality of life change for casual players and large teams. But I think it would reduce the skill in teamfighting. There's a lot of different ways people can contribute to pvp, even players who are unskilled at 1v1 pvp can contribute to fights by selecting their targets correctly. By marking all your parties members with a color, it takes more skill out of target selection, and makes it even harder for those players who aren't that good at 1v1 pvp. For smaller parties of casual players, they already know who is in their party just by the names of their friends, and that same concept should apply to large teams as well. If you're a member of a large pvp team, you should know who is in your pvp team, not mindlessly hit people with a different color than you. I think this is not a bad suggestion, but I also think the drawbacks for teamfights is not worth the tiny QOL change it would bring.

30 is a great number for the current party friendlyfire limit. It represents a number achievable for smaller groups. It's a perfect goal for any budding pvp team to work towards. It invites different parties to join in fights, rather than the same 2 massive teams. It adds more skill for massive parties to pvp with each other, and adds drawbacks to doing so. Keep the 30 member limit for party friendly fire to be enabled.


#7981 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by ChuckeyTheBear for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

6 months ago by _OnePro_