Multiple Withdraws

My previous suggestion on this topic was rejected because it was "too old". This problem persist, please give an appropriate answer to this post, because I am trying to help you to improve the player's game experience and I am putting quite some effort in it, thanks.

Is it possible to withdraw a certain amount of money for n times? Because when in need of many banknotes for mini games of tournaments, the only way to get banknotes is /withdraw [ammount] and after 10 times I have to wait quite a long time to run another command.
Would it be possible to use a command like /withdraw [ammount] [times] to withdraw n banknotes?
For example: instead of spamming /withdraw 100000 for 64 times in order to get one stack of banknotes (100000$ each), we could simply use /withdraw 100000 64 to obtain the same result.
Moreover this would be a useful feature even because when using /withdraw frequently, the servers prevents you to use that command saying "you are sending too many commands" and we have to wait some more time in order to use it again.

Thanks for the support,

#7871 - Status: closed

3 years ago by gigioiop for Commands

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Another suggestion of the same kind has been posted by another user

1 year ago by _OnePro_