Add 10 seconds invulnerability when you teleport to someone

Add 10 seconds invulnerability when you teleport to someone.

Mostly applies to Survival or Survival+ and other similar game modes. This prevents tp-killing by random strangers. If you fight back in a tp-kill, instantly remove the invulnerability so the fight is fair.

(Long post below)
I am one of the Top Supporters in /store for consecutive months now, and I intend to make ExtremeCraft my long-term "home". I would like to propose that mods consider discouraging tp-killing in the game. This invulnerability suggestion is one way of doing so. While I prefer that tp-killing be banned entirely, I believe this is a good compromise if the mods want to keep the feature. See below for the reasons why tp-killing should be discouraged:

1. Primary victims of tp-killing are new players - new to the server or new to Minecraft in general. Being tp-killed is one of the worst things that could happen as it ruins the player experience for them. **Why stay in a server filled with bullies?** This ruins player retention. Those new players attracted by the ExtremeCraft Youtube managers and marketers? Marketing efforts will be ruined as those people they attracted to the server won't stay for long. In terms of financial impact, there's the loss of revenue from rank up purchases, pet and title sales, and other forms of cash flow to the server.

2. Even veteran players are affected too, which lowers revenue received from them. "Whale players" or whales - those who contribute most of the revenue to the server - are usually long-term players who call ExtremeCraft home. One of the things needed to retain whales is to provide them with other players to play with. If new player numbers drop due to tp-killing, then whales are less incentivized to stay and spend their money as well. After all, why would you buy wings or trails if there's very few people who would see them? Why waste your time buying rank ups in a toxic server if you can buy somewhere else? These are the considerations in mind.

3. Tp-killing discourages cooperation between people. Players join a server because they want to interact with other players. To build together or trade or just make friends. By not discouraging tp-killers, players get suspicious and distrustful of each other. Instead of promoting positive player interaction, tp-killing makes players feel more negative. Tp-killing thus encourages more solo play, which disincentives people from staying in the server in the first place. This ties up to #1 and #2 above.

#7127 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Kirschoff for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

6 months ago by _OnePro_