Is Addlevels with Chesthopper or Multitool

Adding levels is convenient with /is addlevels but with the amount of blocks stored from farms, it can still be rather tedious (and breaking chests always risks loss or despawn).

--Add Levels function on the Multi-Tool
--Add Levels option on ChestHoppers

Regarding the multitool, it should ONLY be allowed on your own island (or coop players can grief visit far too easily!).
Regarding chesthoppers: This unlock would obviously come after condense has been applied, and for timing or lag reasons could be attempted only when the chesthopper is already full.

#7002 - Status: closed

3 years ago by Pazako for Commands

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Another suggestion of the same kind has been posted by another user

1 year ago by _OnePro_