Mutes and the filter system.

There should be a change to the filter system as of now its quite unforgiving and unfair.
A few things that could be improved on:

1. Adding a list of words that are censored somewhere so people without the word filter off can know what not to say.

2. Add a command to see if a word is censored so if your unsure of something you can use the command to prevent people who are muted to say, "Well I didn't know it was censored or that it bypassed."

3. Make it needed for someone to be warned before they can be muted so instead of muting them and not telling them what they said, or what they did to cause it they are given a verbal warning like "Hey (username) that bypasses chat filter!" because with the filter off you cant see what is bypassing.

Another option would to be to remove being able to turn the chat filter on or off. That way people wouldn't be swearing as often in the first place, making the people who are actually bypassing easier to identify and punish.

You might say this will make it easier for people to bypass to see what is mutable or not but they are the people that should be muted, not the people who might accidentally say "dumbass" instead of "dumb ass".
Thank you for your time,

#6797 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by MrMasiah for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! However, this wouldn't be possible as out censor would then always have to know what bypasses it which is impossible for it to found out unless it has every single combination known which wouldn't be possible, unfortunately. The punishment will always stay as a mute no matter what.

2 years ago by _OnePro_