
Hello, So I came up with a command for the players with any rank of the developer's choice which isnt Pay2Win actually.
By doing /displaychest <public,private> you'll have 20 seconds to place a chest, if you do so, the chest will be placed and a sign will appear infront of it with the message :
first line : &8&L===========
second line : &5&LDisplay
third line : &5&LChest
4th line : &8&L===========
if you made it public, anyone can see inside the chest by right-clicking on the sign even if they arent a part of your island/trusted on your claim.
if you made it private, it'll be only useful for the [private] chests actually, since trusted members can open the chest anyways.
(If you want to edit the items inside the chest, you'll have to be open it by right clicking on any sides except where the sign is placed)
Thanks for your time.

#6675 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by 9Lota for Commands

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

6 months ago by _OnePro_