
45 degree regen wall - ILLEGAL

Please make building 45 regen walls illegal on extremecraft servers. They are the strongest walls and if u stack them 2-3 behind each other there is literaly no way to raid enemies, or atleast not with conventional cannons. Problem is that sand cannot stack at 256 if there is a block under it at 255, and sand will always hit that block at 255. Lava will stay on top forever and will keep gening wall beneath. Is literaly unraidible wall. I only learned that you might block that lava by using fast cannons, of which first shot breaks block at 255 and then second shot goes behind it and stack to 256 blocking lava or water (not workign every time, actually only if you are lucky or have realy good cannon). Due to server lag its extremly hard to do it, and even then, you will have to block lava atleast 5 wide to continue raid.
45 degree walls (normal and reversed) should be banned to allow easier raiding, and not to raiding be reserved only to the best raiders.

#6314 - Status: closed

3 years ago by KlausR for General

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The feature you're requesting is already part of our server :)

2 years ago by _OnePro_