

un ban all again so the server can be full of players again and also dont make all of the bans perm after this make it so the first time u get banned for 1 week then 1 month then 6 months 1year and perm ban that would allow the server to be active for way longer the server will die if u keep this system like this good servers like hypixel also ban players this way so the server wont die at least consider trying this you can always SS the players if they get reported and it only takes a few mins so consider trying this
we are all suffering from corona virus and i think just cuz of that u should do a unban all again so bored pll can play on the server again and well if they dont respect the rules this time they will have a chance to comeback and play again and if they manage to get perm banned with this system then they deserve it and if u do this u shouldnt do a unban all again cuz all of the perm banned players are the once who cant stop cheating and they should be able to play and this will also lower the amount of ban apeals on the site so mods can have extra time to help pll ingame
after all i hope you will accept this request cuz we realy need more players and i think we should give the banned pll a chance to join the server and have fun during the quarantine

#6274 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Wqnt3d_Dead for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

There won't be another unban all.

3 years ago by SlimeDce