Necessary Changes for Factions

Greetings, I'd just like to suggest some new changes for the factions gamemode to make it more enjoyable, and welcoming to new players.

- First off a big issue that needs to be covered is fixing the ally truce limit. Last season you were limited to 1 ally and 1 truce. The community complained that was not enough, so in the end we had no limit. This lead to some factions in this new season having upwards of 20 allies and truces, creating teams of 500+ people. This is obviously way too unfair, and can lead to newer players feeling overwhelmed when trying to fight at envoys, or make their way through the gamemode. I suggest we change the ally truce limit to 2 allies and 3 truces, this will help in many ways. This will make teams smaller, and overall make the game easier to play, whether you're raiding, pvping, or defending. This is also a good number, having 6 factions equaling 150 players can help maximize the amount of players in a party, encouraging more people to buy party slots.

- My second issue would be the lack of understanding of the gamemode. Whether it comes from the players, or the staff, factions is definitely the most glitched/abused server of them all. Most of these glitchings, and abusings come at a small cost. My suggestion here, is to educate the lower staff members more on the gamemode, and have factions-specific staff to help manage one of the most played gamemodes on ExtremeCraft. I would also suggest increasing punishments on some things to stop repeat offenders.

- Lastly, I'd like to talk about the toxicity of the factions environment. Of course factions is going to be toxic with the raiding and the backstabbing and all, but sometimes I feel it gets way too far. I myself have been called a, "attention seeking whore,", "cunt", "bitch," with no punishment to the players who have said that. When brought to staff they pushed it aside saying I could use /ignore, when in reality we shouldn't be being called those things in the first place. I would suggest greater punishments for however severe the offence is, The punishment should fit the crime.

Thanks for listening to my suggestions, and I hope some can get implemented!
If you want further information on specifics my disc is VanguardDown#0570

#6160 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by o7jk for Improvements

Answer: Rejected


3 years ago by LandyDce