Ban appeal

Welp since I'm banned and have made a ban appeal,I should point out the problem with the current ban appealing style.
The things staff members have already put is already something that'll work.However,cheaters can simply lie and just say something like "I'm sorry I promise my life I'll never cheat again",and most of the time,staff will accept the appeal.I am not saying that staffs are bad,but heres a suggestion to add to ban appealling.
1.add it so people have to add screenshots of the .Minecraft folder,version folder,texture pack folder.
1(reason):Because if any banned person removed the hacked client from the version folder,we can know that he have moved/removed something to fake the screenshot.Then we can see the version folder to see if it was just downloaded new version.We can see what version have been added at which time,and determine if he just lied about Downloading a new version.
2.Ask for timezone
2(reason):If the staff team know what's the timezone,they can just use Google or math to see if the ban appealer just set to different time and moved the folder then change time back,then the staff team can know if the ban appealer did moved at a very wierd time(eg:oh it's 12 pm,and they want a screenshot but I've moved my hacked client folder out,let me just turn the time 2 days and 12 hours ago.)Then the time will be 12am which I doubt anyone would stay up that late just to download a new version.
3.Let the ban appealer write their discord.
3(reason):due to lack of ways to communicate in here,the staff team and the ban appealer could talk in discord,which is very safe,easy and fast to communicate faster instead of waiting for them to check again.

#5956 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by SR_Squinky for Website

Answer: Rejected


1. Pretty useless, someone could simply send a screenshot of an empty folder and then add hacks later on
2. We know already the country and timezone of the players without having to ask them
3. Nothing is currently preventing them from adding their Discord to the appeal

3 years ago by NxDs