
You Should Add Guilds To EC And If You Want To Check The Members You Need To /g members And If You Want To Check The Guild Ranks And Additional Information About The Guild Your Are In (/g stats or /g stats For The Guild Information Example : Guild Name : BloodLust Guild Exp: 10k Guild Exp And /g ranks Example : Guild Leader,Guild Manger,Guild Officer And Guild Members) After Level 10 Your Guild Will Unlock a Blue NameTag And At Higher Levels Your Guild Managers Will Choose A Custom Color For The Guild NameTag And You Would Need A Additional Guild Leaderboards For The Most Guilds That Have The Most Exp And For The Guilds With The Most LeaderBoard Players Like ManicMozzer (not supporting him to ban evade)
I Know This Would Be A Hard Feature To Work On But I Would Appreciate It If It Gets Added :)

#5792 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Efface for General

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

10 months ago by _OnePro_