Adding WorldEdit on top rank {Nexus}

Recently People in Skyblock gamemodes [skyblock.opskyblock.acidisland] they had a major problem in their island and that is placing block's in their island
number of issues:not having many members,not having enough time to place their level's or they join in really bad time and they are about to lose their place in /is top...
today i'm here to suggest the best/perfect and valuable way to do their job simply and Faster.
how does it work? :the block's that you want it to be placed just doing /replace air [id /blockname] will be placed by the amount of block's that has been stored in your inventory.
and also this well make Top Rank [Nexus] more valuable cause of this permission
isn't gonna count as pay to win: well yes but would you rather place all that amount of dub chest just to win a season or would you rather just having such amazing tool in your hand.
Thanks for does who've been reading my suggestion and I hope this tool gets added it would help alot <<<<3

#5395 - Status: closed

3 years ago by JohnSeed26 for Improvements

Answer: Closed

Fixed by /is addlevels

3 years ago by NxDs