FAQ book for starters.

Prison gets new players everyday. Some of them already know what prison is about, and know prison is quite different from Survival and other gamemodes that share most gameplay aspects. Others use the signs and instructions that the server offers to know what to do. However, the vast majority of new players don't notice these signs around spawn (like the one that tells you to do /mine to get to your mine), or simply can't find the information they need, and start asking chat what to do, which is okay, but in the long term annoys more experienced players who answer them, because the same questions are being made over and over.

In the time I've spent answering these questions, I've noticed some that are the most common ones. It would be cool if new players were given (probably within the starter kit) a book with Frequently Asked Questions and answers to them. Some of the common questions this book would include are (but are not limited to):

* How do I start?
* How do I go to the mine?
* My pickaxe broke, how do I get a new one?
* How do I sell what I've mined? (Many players don't notice the npc at the mine, which sounds dumb but is real)
* How do I get wood?
* How do I upgrade my pickaxe? (I love this one because there isn't an exact way to "upgrade" a pickaxe, so it's quite hard to answer)
* Where can I enchant my pickaxe?
* Will I lose my items or my money if I die in PvP?
* Where is there a crafting table or a furnace?
* How do I get a home? or How do I rent a cell?
* How do I add days to my cell rent?
* Will I lose what is in my cell if it expires?
* How do I get food?
* How do I drop money?
* Can I fix my items/pickaxe?

And last but not least, the so-basic-yet-so-famous "How do I get money?" that is, again, asked because many players don't understand the core aspect of Prison, which is to mine, as opposed to other game modes.

This book can, of course, contain more questions that you consider, since its main goal would be to provide new players with a full insight on what prison is about and on how you're supposed to play it. It could also clarify that ranks offer certain perks, since new players are often confused seeing purple text (/me), seeing how other players can announce an afk status, and seeing custom, colored item names, none of which a player with a basic member rank can execute.

#5265 - Status: closed

4 years ago by AscalonStrike for Improvements