
say i have an enchanted golden apple. i rename it to /name &4a if i try to rename it to /name &dGolden Apple It wont work in chestshops. its now a completely different item. You should add /unname. It will unname the item and not add NBT tags

https://i.badlion.net/Y6TeFr9hjivnkcaPHtkExe.png That is a screenshot of a normal golden apple (no renames)

https://i.badlion.net/zzHQSeuMXuGnKwiBjwhS9A.png Thats a screenshot with renames. It has the NBT+ so it cant be sold in regular chestshops with normal golden apples.

#5056 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by 4cherry for Improvements

Answer: Accepted

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! We're happy to inform you that your submission has been accepted and will be live from the next restart tomorrow morning

6 months ago by Dieu