ChestHopper Improvement

Currently ChestHoppers are limited to mob drops and automatic farm drops. I am suggesting and ChestHopper combine with an item filter. Basically in the configurations section of the ChestHopper, you will be able to add any item into the ChestHopper and configure whether to sell, collect, or clear the items put into the configuration. Items put into the ChestHopper can range from blocks, to crops, to mob drops. The number to items that can be added to the filter can be based on the Players Rank, Island Level, or just a set price they buy inside the configuration.
In the configuration I also suggest is being able to increase the size of the collection range. Currently it is limited to one chuck. Instead increase the range where the ChestHopper was placed. Starting out would be a 5x5 square, the leveling up to a 7x7, then 9x9, 11x11, and so on.

#4760 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by ExcitedSquab for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

5 months ago by _OnePro_