A new title for people who have played for a long time.

Well to start off, i think a title might be good for people who have been playing for a long time on this server.
This title would value the players that have spent time on the Extreme Craft server.
I am saying to measure the play time on the server rather than the join date as that could be exploited.
I know this could hinder the profits of the network but this would also give incentive to players to play more.
The criteria to gain get the title would have at least 1 year of being on the server and various other rules so that it doesn't get exploited.

Thanks for listening.

I was unsure where to put this suggestion so i made this in the general tab

#4568 - Status: closed

4 years ago by TheBeatable for General

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Another suggestion of the same kind has been posted by another user

1 year ago by _OnePro_