Staff should judge the severity of incidents when punishing players.

I said "noob" in chat and received the exact same punishment (a little warning then a tiny mute if i did it again), as the person flooding the chat with n**er, f**got, and repeatedly threatening to rape me in graphic detail. Given that I can legally prosecute him for the level of things he said, surely that warrants a bit more than the same punishment as me saying noob and "namecalling".

What you are effectively saying is that it doesn't matter how illegally toxic you are. I can threaten to rape people in graphic detail, flood the chat with lengthy racist statements including the "n" word, etc. and its only going to get me the same punishment as if I called them a noob. Surely you can see how this system that's constantly violated is moronic in every possible way?

#4295 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Laztec for General

Answer: Rejected

Punishments are handed out automatically for the server for consistency and efficiency purposes, unfortunately the servers can't really know the severity of the actions so categories are punished the same way.
Highly inappropriate behaviors or exceptionally bad players can be tempbanned or banned skipping all the punishments if necessary, depending on the case

3 years ago by NxDs