Survival Suggestion

What i want to say is that survival isnt survival if you have all the resources and items. Food? /shop. Blocks? /shop. Decorations? /shop. Whats the point if there is everything available? It isnt survival if you have everything. You just need to do /shop and you have everything. Kits add to this point. Claims are understandable because they help prevent griefs and thefts. The whole point of survival is to survive. Doing so is extremely easy because you can buy whatever you like. But thats just not it. Anarchy is not the same. Survival should be more like anarchy.

#3882 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CandyDce for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Even tho I do agree and I'd like it to be more as you describe it doesn't seem to be what the majority of people want unfortunately

4 years ago by NxDs