Reminisce's UHC suggestions

Here are my suggestions for the upcoming UHC gamemode:
• It should be a first come first serve based game mode. It will be announced around 2-3 hours before the game starts. We can make a webpage or a discord page where we can put the list of games happening in the day with information about it. For example:
1. ChosenTo2 (With time and date and everything)
2. CutClean // these are called scenarios, there are a bunch of fun ones.
3. 500x500 borders
4. Ore rates increased, apple rates vanilla..etc.

• We can have people apply to be hosts. They can host whenever they want and whenever they can but they have to reserve time for a game.
• Ore checks like /nce checks and such. It shows you how many gold/diamond ores a person has mind. It should automatically notify the host or staff how many diamonds or gold a person has mined. (An example from my old UHC server that I used to moderate in: /ore is farfag100, it shows you how many gold or diamond ores that person has mined.
• Adjustable apple rates, flint rates, feather rates, ore rates, mob rates, and border size.
• Room to add scenarios. If it’s always a clean vanilla game it will be really boring for everyone. People love change. Here is a huge list of scenarios from the reddit community https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrahardcore/wiki/scenarios Hosts should be able to add the scenarios they’d like using a command (if possible): /scenario add blood diamonds.
• A different helpop command for the people in the UHC game only. /uhchelpop will inform the online staff+host spectating the game.
• A command that shows you the config, scenarios, and rates of the current game. /uhcconfig.
• If it’s a team game, people can speak either using teamchat or discord. /tc to keep teamchat open and speak freely. /tl posts the coordinates of the person using that command to a teammate.
• We can add a point system for the rewards.
• Hosts and any kind of staff should be able to spectate and use all the ore checks. (From experience, there will be a ton of X-rayers.)

#3794 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by sReminisce for GameModes

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

6 months ago by _OnePro_