

What's up it's your girl Luna coming back at you again with MORE title suggestions! I know. I'm amazing :D My creativity juice is just always flowing out of me. HAIL LARRY THE MAGENTA WOOL! Moving on...

Here's what we got:
Rawr ( &dRawr)
xD (&4xD)
NOwO (&4N&dOwO)
Pet (I got nothin for this)
Sub-Human ('' '')
IdkU (&4Idk&cU)
TakeMyL ( :D )
QtPi (&dQtPi)

Thanks for reading my suggestions~ Have a nice day! :D

#3679 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Kallaya for Titles

Answer: Closed

Shortlisted. We are considering your suggestion.

4 years ago by HarleenFQuinzel