
Today I joined a discord group call with my good friend Mysticator. Along with him was MasterXII and a few others. When we all joined Mysticator informed us that he was talking to Sandpit in game. We all became instantly confused because as MANY STAFF KNOW, he's been banned. We logged on to him and sandpit exchanging words. Mysticator then told us that Sandpit was sending him his own IP address. Very unprofessional from an Admin if I were to say so myself. Seeing as he just hates mysticator. He has used mysticators face as a pfp on his discord account to harass him. He has done many more other things against Mysticator. That being besides the point, I do think it's time that someone speaks up against Sandpit. He is biased for his own personal interests and his own survival team. Sandpit leaked someones IP. That is already immature enough. What more is there to say. He leaked someones personal information for no reason at all. Sandpit force starts CTA's for his survival team. Sandpit abuses his power for himself and his team. Many players are outraged by what he does. Seeing as an Admin is being so immature and abusive with his power, it makes ExtremeCraft an unreliable server and it ruins the fun for everyone. It's about time some action takes place. This IP leaking was the final straw for alot of us. He is biased for his own team and is not fit to have this much power.

There is much more to be said about Sanpit. Please consider what is being said and take appropriate action.

Love ;) loliconiic

#3633 - Status: closed

5 years ago by egirlLuvrr for Website

Answer: Closed

Submit a staff member report here: https://www.extremecraft.net/reports.php

4 years ago by HarleenFQuinzel