New requested Names *appropiate

*Original (usual format for original items) - Originals have been a great asset to this game, of which items are kept and shown off with pride, So should your title...
[BasicKit] (normal format) - People commonly ask me to /name something &6[&eBasicKit&6] etc...
Tp Killer (light blue) - Me personally seek to kill tp killers with the vengeance of 1000 nine year olds with out their xBox, Tp Killers are really annoying and the name would be commonly bought to show off their *skill*
Hacker (dark red) - This shows off the players true pvp skill, they should be feared just as a hacker... ( This might be a title already :C )

#2846 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by MoonGay for Titles

Answer: Rejected


5 years ago by DynamoFTW