Command to toggle pets on/off.

Hi, is it possible to include a /pettoggle command?

Like /paytoggle, once to turn off payment, and again to turn on payment. For pets, once to turn off pets forever, and again to turn on pets every time you log into the server.

I know we players already have a /pet hide. But it's annoying that we have to /pet hide it every time we log into the server. If it's impossible to have that command in-game, can we have the pet hide by default? Make it a pet hide by default and when players want to show their pet, they can just /pet <name> to display their pets out.

Thank you.

#2835 - Status: closed

5 years ago by NOTScent for Commands

Answer: Closed

It will be implemented once we'll make our own pets plugin

5 years ago by NxDs