AcidIsland suggestion.

First of all, I posed a few suggestion over the past few months, and none have been checked. Before reading this, I strongly suggest to read my other 5 ones.

So, AcidIsland suggestion. ~Spawner Crafting~. I suggest adding a function that allows players to craft spawners. Not everyone has a rank, so, why not add a method to obtain spawners, other than buying them? To craft a spawner, you ought to have a few items on you. Let's say the spawner blacksmith is at a warp, for instance /warp spawnercrafting . If your right click him, he opens a "chest" in which you can choose what spawner to craft, and when you right/left click it you get a book and quill which cannot be dropped in which are the items to craft the spawner. Let's say a creeper spawner requires 6 creeper spawn eggs, some iron to forge the cave, and other cool stuff to make the spawner crafting delight players. Oh, also, you can add some special items only used to craft the spawners, like "Life Essence", which can be found rarely in a chest in the wild/bought at a warp/or other crazy ideas you guys have!
This spawner crafting is like the quests on opskyblock : but, also, make sure when the player gets a book and quill with the ingredients for the chosen spawner, he cannot get another book and quill. Because they are "undroppable", if they can get multiple book and quills, they will fill up their books. By the way, for the sake of it, don't let the player store the book in a chest. :)

#2794 - Status: closed

5 years ago by TitanTrux for GameModes

Answer: Closed

We added resource pets to fill the gap

4 years ago by NxDs