/vote improvment

Lately I talked to a couple of better, advanced richer people on the server and I've noticed that many of them don't even bother to vote anymore. And that is because the vote crate contains nothing that could help a better player out. The banknotes you can get are very low, the items (gold, diamond, nether starts) very worthless. I've also noticed that myself and very rarely vote these days. So I thought about it a little bit and came up with a couple of solutions.

1. Many of the server have a thing called a ''vote party key'. They are special keys that every player gets, every time the server gets for example 100 votes. They are usauly better keys with better rewards. You could use that to motivate the ''better'' players to vote.

2. Simply add better (also harder to get) items to the vote crates. Maybe more valuable bank notes more items. You could spice it up a little and add things such as a commands you can get (a peace of paper that for example gives you a certain command like /top /jump /me). So you don't necessarily need to buy a rank for command. You could also add things like a access to a kit for a limited time. For example kit spawn eggs for a month or stuff like that.
That would definitely motivate me to vote more and ofcourse other people.

#2527 - Status: closed

5 years ago by Vrext for Improvements

Answer: Closed

We are not currently planning to add vote parties as we think people would simply start spamming each other asking to vote, exactly like with CTA and KOTH

We will try to improve votes after each reset, on creative you're already getting WE and we just came up with a good reward for Facs

5 years ago by NxDs