Negative iq community

On every single server there are a bunch of primitives that stopped evolving beyond the spam typing ( sending one sentence using 2+ messages is what I m talking about) . The same primitives ofent resort to using /me for casual chatting also .
My first suggestion is to add a 3 minute cooldown on /me (/me is supposed to help you promote stuff or to anounce things) .
The second one , which I know seems prety controversial, is to add a 5 seconds ( or something close to ) cooldown on the normal chat .
In the end I want to say that I truly believe that a 3min cooldown on /me can only bring positive change , allowing those who dont want to resort to /me spamming to be heard ( some people use /me so much that your /me message simply looks like anyother one )

#2455 - Status: closed

5 years ago by StarPlatinum1 for General

Answer: Closed

We increased a bit the cooldown for /me

5 years ago by NxDs