PvP Completely Rework

As most people already say : PvP server is a disaster. Full of bugs, hackers and bad features. What I suggest to change that?

First, change the server name from PvP to Duels! Instead of buggy gamemode selector, use holograms for each mode : 1v1,2v2,3v3. When you click the hologram it opens the menu of the available gamemodes for each selected mode.

Then, of course, new modes : BuildUHC, Sumo, Combo, these are a few of the most loved gamemodes.

I would change that ugly ELO system to Fancy Ranks like Badlion (Emerald,Diamond,Iron etc or you can get an original ranking system)

Also, I would like to see tournaments : Sumo Tournament, SkyWars Tournament, Combo Tournament etc.

People get exp and rankup but also get exp for a level system you can add. More, ranked matches should be limited, based on ranks, so hackers won't be able to destroy exps.

Top Players of a season/month should get rewards too. You should NOT be able to /leave mid game.

#2411 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by DynamoFTW for GameModes

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

6 months ago by _OnePro_