Custom Enchants gamemode

So this is not a gamemode for people to play on but its a gamemode in the pvp server that would help for people who play op servers like opfactions or opskyblock. It would help for those people to train in fighting with god sets. You could add it and put like 2 or more opsets in, a bow, sword/axe (put both sword and an axe, there are people who pvp with axe and there are people who pvp with swords) In my opinion it would be a great improvement to the pvp server.

#1951 - Status: rejected

6 years ago by Boosted_Harambe for GameModes

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

6 months ago by _OnePro_