Massive cobble generators causing lag spikes to the server

After RPG resetted , people have been thinking ways to earn money . Well , recently cobble generators have been commonly built as a efficient source of income . However , i'm just got to say that those cobble generators are causing lots of lag spikes to the server . This may not be a major problem for the time being , but as time goes by , more people are going to build and expand cobble generators which would result in major lag problems for the server . I would like to suggest that cobble generators would be probably removed from RPG or nerfed . Welp , i do have my own massive cobble generator and i'm not being jealous of others having them to earn tons of money .

#1849 - Status: closed

6 years ago by ChokingYeti for Improvements

Answer: Closed

Cobble gens were not the cause of the lag spikes

5 years ago by NxDs