
I would like to suggest a /bars command which is basically a gambling thing which could give us various options to choose that varies depending on the amount of money you have.... for example i could have a million dollars and i decide i want to try my luck and double my money i would do /bars and select the option to either take a potion for the entire 1mil or another potion for like 500k or less,,, if i win i get an additional 500k or the money i have chosen to gamble with and if i lose .. i lose the money. I suggested this because it would match towards with being in prison and money is kinda useless in prison as far as i have observed and this would be fun even tho some people would rage if they lose a lot of money but it will give them a mindset to try and gain it back and therefore increasing playtime :3

-Thank you.

#1492 - Status: closed

6 years ago by Hxtch for Commands

Answer: Closed

Instead of that we made /coinflip, money won't spawned out of nowhere so there's no risk to ruin eco

5 years ago by NxDs