A different kind of CTA.

For prison, add a new way to participate in MTAs (mining the area), for those who are not as well established, and those who are not good at pvp. Every time a vote exceeds 60% of the server population (10 votes minimum), or once every 8 hours (3 times every day), start a MTA. The mine that the MTA is held in is determined by choosing a random mine 2 levels under the median mine rank of the players on the server(rounded up). For example, if we had 12 players in total, 1 in A, 2 in B, 1 in C, 2 in D, 1 in E, 1 in F, and 2 in G, if 10 players were to vote, it would be held a mine 2 ranks under the median, or 2 ranks under mine D, in mine B or A. That would give larger accessibility to players, while offering diversity to the total pool of the mines available to this event, because as the server grows, we expect more growth in the average ranks, opening up new mines to be available to the event.
So how does the event itself work? The mining itself is a simple system. Person to mine the most blocks wins. This provides a different dynamic to the highly optimized art of mining for XP. Different mines would require different strategies, and it would be a combination of the best gear, best mining strategies, and focus. The event itself lasts for 10 minutes, a large enough period of time to find and develop a strategy, but a short enough time so it doesn't feel like you're taking time away from ranking up by mining in the best mine available to you. Much like CTA, the best geared players will have a large advantage, but individual skill can often sway the outcome.
Distributing prizes. To encourage all people to participate, instead of giving out prizes to the best miner only, a smaller trickle down system of rewards can be implemented. As is tradition, the winner gets a CTA or Legendary Key. But depending on the number of players participating in the event, more prizes can become available. We can determine participants by checking players who mined at least 1 block during that time.
If participants < 10.
Only the first place gets a prize, a CTA or Legendary Key.
If participants 11-15
Top player get a CTA or Legendary Key, and they get a 10 minute xp booster, activateable by rightclicking a piece of paper (allowing it to be sold for large amounts of money, or used to rank up faster).
Second place player gets 1 Vote Crate Key and a 5 minute xp booster.
If participants 16-20
The first place player gets a CTA or Legendary Key, a 20 minute xp booster, and a haste 2 potion for 20 minutes,
The second place player gets a Vote Crate Key, a 10 minute xp booster, a 10 minute haste 1 potion.
Third place player gets a 5 minute xp booster and a haste 1 potion for 5 minutes.
If participants 21<
The first place player gets a CTA or Legendary Key, a 20 minute xp booster, a haste 2 potion for 20 minutes, and a level 120 enchanting experience bottle.
The second place player gets a Vote Crate Key, a 10 minute xp booster, a 10 minute haste 1 potion, and a level 60 enchanting experience bottle.
The third to fifth place players get a 5 minute xp booster, a haste 1 potion for 5 minutes, and a level 30 enchanting experience bottle.

In total, this would provide another interesting event to prison that would allow people of all skill levels and all stages of development to participate in. It provides a reasonably sized break to the monotony of mining, Providing the time for some friendly mining action, socializing, and display of skills and focus. It gives money some more value as a trading resource (but it still needs more uses), and gives more things to do in prison.

#1434 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by ChuckeyTheBear for Improvements

Answer: Accepted


3 years ago by NxDs