Voting Rewards

Noticed that EC are now doing voting rewards .. great! Honestly think this is a great idea in order to encourage more people to vote - however, looking at this image http://prntscr.com/h7vzxp You can see that in October, Extremecraft gave out nearly $1000 worth of coupons to spend via the store. I'm not Dieu, so I don't know how wealthy the server currently is, but surely giving out the amount of money is highly likely to damage server profits? The only reason I'm concerned with this is that I believe overtime EC will begin to see decreased revenues - which therefore means less potential reinvestment to improve the server.

What I'm suggesting therefore is that these voting rewards are only short term solutions to declining players on EC, I don't think its a bad idea, I just think the amount of money being given out to players will cause less players to actually spend real money, which will harm the server financially.

I want to see EC do the best it can, hence why I'm addressing this issue

#1432 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by Goliath_Weasel for Improvements

Answer: Accepted


6 years ago by NxDs